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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

GLR-100 is a high-capacity banknote recycler that supports customer transactions as well as bulk merchant note deposits. High-speed loading with continuous banknote feeding, combined with authentication, sorting and storage of notes in high-capacity cassettes, enables rapid transfer to the back-office. CIT collections are streamlined and pick-ups can be minimized, as in-branch note recycling reduces cash inventory and cuts CIT costs.

● Supports bulk commercial and merchant deposits and reduces queuing time.
● Authenticated notes can be reused in the branch to reduce cash inventory and CIT visits.
● Increased branch efficiency, improved customer satisfaction and reduced cash handling costs.

High Volume Capacity

Ensure optimal cash inventory is held in the branch.

Optional Transfer Cassette

To unload excess notes in a cash positive branch and hands-free replenishment of notes into device

Building A New Branch Concept

Provide high customer service levels and where routine teller transactions still need to be handled

GLR-100 standard (5 cassettes): Total recycling capacity of 11,700* notes
GLR-100 high (5 cassettes): Total recycling capacity of 15,700* notes
*Dependent on banknote quality. Capacities are for reference only and are not guaranteed

Storage system
High capacity recycling cassettes – up to 7 user configurable storage areas

Deposit and dispense: 12 notes per second
Safe type: UL-291 24-hour

16.5” W x 41.1” D x 34.1” H – standard

16.5” W x 44.3” D x 39.8” H – high

Display type
7″ LCD Touchscreen with Interactive Guidance